rekt meaning

Axie is a “play-to-earn” game in which users create and collect virtual pets. The word rekt is at times used within the context of multiplayer gaming. In such a setup, the term pertains to one player or an entire to be severely beaten by the opposing party. In the meantime, however, rekt and get rekt have also made it into other areas of life and communities.

Use census records and voter lists to see where families with the Rekt surname lived. Boss A ‘boss’ is a really tough enemy who frequently appears at the end of a level or a game. Defeating them can take a hard-won combination of skills, weapons or powers.

Discover the unique achievements of ancestors in the Rekt family tree

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It’s often used as an insult, so be careful when using it. These words mean cheating or a cheater – if someone is being called a hacker, other players are accusing them of cheating in some way. If you’re cheesing, you’re using powerful strategies that are easy to deploy and nearly impossible for an opponent to beat.

Buy and hodl, just don’t get #rekt: The slang that gets you taken seriously as a bitcoin trader

That is, although type c can be interpreted as indirect speech for its use of ñt, its gif-clause stays in the same position as in direct speech. This lack of empathy, made a screenshot of the conversation go viral on Reddit some time later and the rest is history. Today, rekt and get rekt is its own meme format and a common phrase on the internet. The uses for it are varied, but thankfully usually much more civilized than the origin of the rekt hype. A take-profit order is an act of selling cryptocurrency to secure profits.

The traders responsible for these price swings are spread around the world. Taylor Fritz is a 22-year-old professional Tennis player who has been competing professionally since 2015. Fritz is the second-fastest American to ever reach an Association of Tennis Professionals final doing so in only his third-ever career competition. With an estimated 3.24 billion video gamers in the world, gaming can be an exhilarating and practical way to improve your language skills.

Related Terms

It needs to be noted that being REKT GMT and truly losing money are different things, since rekt assets can still bounce back. Back in early 2018, BTC was rekt, yet near the end of 2020, not only did it bounce back, but it also reached a new all-time high. A Bag or “Holding A Bag” is slang for owning some quantity, large or small, of a specific cryptocurrency. Determine significant support and resistance levels with the help of pivot points.

rekt meaning

Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. New technology is upending everything in finance, from saving to trading to making payments. Enterprise blockchain is the use of distributed ledger technology for non-speculative business purposes.

In other languages

Sorta like the (more modern?) “kys”, it’s using hyperbole to say “wow you’re bad”. I think most of my friends who use “get rekt” — including me, because I’m trash — would very much disavow any meaning suggesting suicide. I don’t remember seeing “get rekt”, I do remember seeing “rekt” and “got rekt” for describing catastrophic failure to perform.

What does Reckes mean?

intransitive verb. : worry, care. archaic : to be of account or interest : matter. transitive verb. archaic : to care for : regard.

The creatures are nonfungible tokens, or NFTs, that are traded in the game, using various cryptos as currency. The hack occurred on a blockchain “bridge” network called Ronin, which is used for transferring cryptos between the Ethereum network and Axie. Sky Mavis, the Vietnam-based game studio behind Axie, manages Ronin.

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Bagholder— An investor who has been hodling for too long, and is left to face the consequences. Also refers to the many pump-and-dump schemesinvolving thinly traded “altcoins” (cryptocurrencies that aren’t bitcoin, which function more like penny stocks) on the scene. A versatile term that can also be used to refer to holders of state-issued “fiat” currency.

  • In early 2014, an anonymous user posted a story about himself and his girlfriend, to which someone responded with the words “LOL rekt.”
  • This lack of empathy, made a screenshot of the conversation go viral on Reddit some time later and the rest is history.
  • The content published on this website is not aimed to give any kind of financial, investment, trading, or any other form of advice.
  • Speaking of prices, it is expected that prices will go up like all NFT tokens in recent years.

While it is called “foreign” exchange, this is just a relative term. Yield curve control (“YCC”), also sometimes called interest rate pegs, is where bond yields are set by the central bank. It is considered a type of unconventional monetary policy. Learn about crypto in a fun and easy-to-understand format. Usually used by either kids or trolls on online games in order to annoy or provoke other players.

Read fact-based BitDegree crypto reviews, tutorials & comparisons – make an informed decision by choosing only the most secure & trustful crypto companies. On January 13th, YouTuber TheCampingTree uploaded a video titled “Get Rekt,” in which he encounters a player who tells him to “get rekt” in the online survival horror game DayZ . It has sparked existential questions—”Can we please define ‘moon’? “—and attempts to literally translate the phraseby making cryptocurrencies function in space colonies.